Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September is the pits.

Have you ever had one of those days where everything just goes wrong? I mean everything? Well, if you multiply one day by five.. you'll get my September 17-21st. Last week was one of the worst weeks of my entire life. People say that all the time, but I can't even wrap my head around the shit that was last week.

I knew last week was going to be bad because all my classes had work due for them. I'm taking 18 hours. Two English classes, Statistics, German, Religion, and an Art class and I work 9 hours a week at our art studio building and the museum . It's loads of fun. I spent the weekend before last doing homework. Nothing but homework. I wrote two papers on Saturday and Sunday. That was exhausting, but it was only the beginning.

Monday: Went home that weekend. Came back to school, woke up to go to class. Realized I left my make up at home. Lack of sleep apparently makes me look like hot shit on a stick. 6 people stopped me before 10 am to tell me I looked awful/ask me if I was okay. Did I mention that it was raining? 100% chance of rain. For two days. I head to statistics. Forgot my umbrella. Monsoon. Get to statistics, dripping wet. We have a test. I knew everything right up until she handed us our test. I wrote my name at the top and forgot everything. Big. Giant. Fail. Go to work, start writing another paper. The day is looking up. Parent's bring me my make up. Get in bed at 1:30 am.

Tuesday: Still raining. Poring. Monsoon. 5:00 am. Air conditioning starts smoking. For the love of fuck. I jumped out of bed, turned it off and spent the next 30 minutes fanning our very sensitive smoke detector with a pillow so we don't have to evacuate the entire dorm at 5:00 in the morning during Hurricane Billy. Can't sleep, but it doesn't matter. I have an 8:00 class anyway. Put on make up. Remember my umbrella. Doesn't matter. It broke as soon as the wind caught it and turned it inside out. Make up was a bad idea. German test. Print out article and essay for Religion. Walk outside, article catches the wind.. lands in a puddle. Don't have time to reprint it. Go to work. Finally have time to eat around 6. Got food poisoning. Still no air conditioning. Worked on papers for Wednesday beside the toilet.

Wednesday: Two papers and an article due. Still no air conditioning. Lingering effects of lumpy ranch dressing food poisoning. Spent 6 hours working on a paper for Thursday. Got statistics test back. 68. Highlight of the week.

Thursday: Another paper due. German. Ugh. Go to work. Had to go pick up a sign for my boss. Spent 15 minutes lost as fuck. Found the place, realize its a house/business. They aren't clear which side is which. Open a door. Not the business. There is a family staring at me. I stare back. They stare back at me. I let their fucking dog out. Chase dog across gravel parking lot. Fall on my face, but catch the dog. Return dog to owner. They direct me to the business. Sign isn't ready. Spend 20 minutes in a small room with a sweaty, nasty man that is staring down the front of my shirt. Get back to my dorm, work on paper for Friday. Still. No. Air. Conditioning.

Friday: Two classes are cancelled. Go to statistics. Get the fuck home. STILL. NO. AIR. CONDITIONING. 

So, to sum that up.. my air conditioning blew up, I got food poisoning, I forgot my make up, I got fucking rained on, I wrote 6 papers, had two articles, two tests, got lost, let someone's dog out, fell on my face, and got stared at by a greasy old man. Did I mention that I didn't have fucking air conditioning? When things go bad, they go bad. I'm ready for September to be OVER. Good lord.

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